
Dorney School

The Little Village School with a Big Heart


Our school’s Year 6, SATs Reading results were higher than other local schools and higher than national results.

90% of our pupils achieved age related expectations when compared to 76% locally, and 73% nationally.


A higher percentage of our pupils were judged as working at Greater Depth at the end of Year 2.


The Year 1 phonics results (83%) is 4% higher than national results.


Our pupils' Good Level of Development (GLD) in Reception stands at 84%, 17% higher than national results.


This is testimony to the excellent curriculum and Teachers at Dorney School. We have never rested on our laurels. Even during the last re-inspection (September 2021), the HMI (Her Majesty’s Inspector) was frustrated with the timing of his inspection as he could see the accelerated progress of the school and urged us to look at the criteria for Outstanding in the category of Behaviour and Personal Development. He could see good progress in all areas, and knew that our results would validate the work we do. Yes, we now wait for the next round of inspections which seem really unfair (as the results above demonstrate) and yet we carry on, going from strength to strength! This is the reason why the illustrious Chartered College of Teaching chose our school amongst thousands of applicants to help them develop a bespoke primary curriculum which will be rolled out nationally. It is a great time to be a child at our school, and I am delighted by the success, positivity and happiness of our pupils, staff and parents.
