The Little Village School with a Big Heart
Aims & Purpose
Each subject leader regularly reviews the purpose and aims for their subjects. These are based upon the National Curriculum statements, developed by a range of educational and subject-specific experts. These statements lay out the aims of each subject at Dorney School.
Our aim is to deliver a high-quality computing curriculum in line with the National Curriculum which equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Pupils will acquire vital knowledge, skills and understanding in the three fundamental areas of the Computing curriculum. We will ensure that all pupils are skilled in programming and understand how digital systems work (computer science); ensure they use computer systems to store, retrieve and send information (information technology) and they evaluate digital content and using technology safely and respectfully (digital literacy). The aims within each strand support the development of learning across Key Stage 1 and 2, ensuring a strong foundation for future learning.
The Computing curriculum has a robust connection to other areas of the curriculum which include science, mathematics and design and technology which all strengthen pupils’ awareness into both natural and artificial systems to build on this knowledge and understanding.
Pupils leaving Dorney School will be armed with the key knowledge and understanding to be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology. They will be proficient at evaluating and applying information technology analytically to solve problems. Through practical experiences and opportunities, pupils will have the understanding of how to analyse problems and solve them by writing computer programs. Pupils will be prepared to apply the essential principles of computer science and display their understanding through data representations algorithms and logic.
Curriculum Overviews
Our curriculum has been mapped to ensure that there is clear progression across the school. Subject leaders regularly review the topics taught in each year group to ensure that pupils are taught the right content at the right time.