
Dorney School

The Little Village School with a Big Heart

Supporting Your Child

Maths Curriculum PowerPoint

English Curriculum PowerPoint

Writing and Reading workshop presentation for parents Years 1-6

Maths Workshop for parents in years 1-6

Phonics and Reading in Year 1 workshop presentation

EYFS Phonics workshop presentation

Social and emotional aspects of learning/Getting on and falling out Family activities





We are pleased to share an online home learning resource that the school has purchased. The programme allows your child (with your encouragement and some support) to access books and activities that matches their reading level. 

Your child’s teacher will ensure that your child will access a range of books that will support their phonics and challenge them to decode and read independently. Your child will be enticed and encouraged to try out games and fun activities that will help them with their decoding and reading skills. 

The class teacher will be able to track all the books your child is reading through Bug Club and ensure the correct level of challenge.


Our Bug Club School Code is: hhw9

Please use your usual login and password to gain entry to the site:


The Book trust

Simple, short video that models how to read with and to children.

Virgin Media

Virgin Media, have put together a list of some of the best educational TV shows to help parents easily find useful educational resources for all ages, including structured lessons and practical advice.

Visit the following URL:

