
Dorney School

The Little Village School with a Big Heart

School Meals


If you would like to register your child for school meals please contact the school office with your email address.


School Meals

Children may bring their own packed lunches to school and consume them on the premises.  If you wish to provide your child with a packed lunch from home, please ensure that the lunch is healthy. Fizzy drinks and sweets are not allowed in school. As we have children with nut allergies, foods containing even a trace of nuts are forbidden. 


From September 2024, school meals are provided by The Kids Lunch Company Ltd. Children in classes Foundation, 1 and 2 are eligible for Universal Free School meals (please ensure you cancel any meals booked if your child is absent or prefers a packed lunch).


Lunches are eaten in the school hall with Foundation Stage and Key Stage One pupils eating from 12.00 to 12.30 p.m. Key Stage Two pupils from 12.30 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. Children are supervised during the lunchtime period by a group of Lunchtime Supervisors, all of whom have First Aid Certificates. Lunchtime ends at 1.00 p.m.
