The Little Village School with a Big Heart
Updated guidance from Monday 17th January 2022
Further information on self-isolation for those with COVID-19 is available.
Covid update from Tuesday 11th January 2022
As you are aware, there have been changes to Government guidance on self-isolation from Tuesday 11th January 2022.
Remember to test any positive member of your household on days 6 and 7 of being affected. If the result of the LFD is negative, that person may come out of self-isolation.
We strongly advise that your family and your child continue to take LFD tests regularly. Mark the calendar so that you can monitor and track the frequency of these tests. Notify the school immediately if your child tests positive. We have received reports of individuals being re-infected so do still look out for signs and symptoms of Covid, take precautions and follow advice.
COVID Update for parents September 2021
Following the footsteps of other schools, a Parentmail will now be sent to parents if a pupil in your child's class has tested positive. We will not be able to provide further details apart from advising your child to take an LFT test which is widely available if you believe your child may be a close contact. A positive LFT test should trigger the same requirements as a positive PCR test. This means that your child must stay at home until the result of a PCR test is received and the school should be informed immediately. The smooth running of our school is very dependent on the information you provide us so do let us know as a matter of urgency if your child has tested positive, or if they present any symptoms of Covid.
Please see the guidance on the NHS website if your child develops symptoms – even if they are mild.
29th June 2021
This is a Government reminder of what to do when using the LFD and PCR Covid tests. Please read this carefully. I will inform all parents of our plans (based on the latest guidance and subject to change) in the next two newsletters to help you prepare for the new academic year. Thank you.
LFD tests are most effective when detecting infectious cases of coronavirus. They identify people with a high viral load who are the most likely to spread the virus further. LFDs detect the virus in people without symptoms so each positive case we find is one that would have gone otherwise undetected. These tests are proving to be accurate and reliable and, where used appropriately and in the correct way, they will continue to help us to break chains of the transmission and save lives.
Anyone who tests positive using an LFD test will be asked to take a confirmatory follow-up PCR test. It remains essential that anyone who gets a positive LFD result self-isolates immediately for 10 days, as well as the other members of their household. You must only leave home for your follow-up test. You should arrange your confirmatory PCR immediately. For the fastest result, we suggest you book a PCR test at a test site. You can also book a home test online or call 119 to book a test.
A PCR test will confirm if you have been affected by coronavirus or not, and reduce unnecessary self-isolation by you and your household. If you then receive a negative result from the PCR, and the PCR test was taken within 2 days of the LFD, then you and your contacts will be informed you can cease self-isolating.
Individuals who test negative from their LFD will not need to isolate or take a confirmatory test.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Addendum for school closure arrangements Covid-19
You can help to slow the spread of Coronavirus.
Make sure you and your children follow these general principles to prevent spreading any respiratory virus:
- washing hands often - with soap and water, or the use of hand sanitiser if handwashing facilities are not available
- covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in a bin
- people who feel unwell should stay at home and should not attend work or any education or childcare setting
Children, staff and visitors should wash their hands:
-before leaving home
-on arrival at school
-after using the toilet
-after breaks and sporting activities
-before eating any food, including snacks
-before leaving school
If your child has any of the main symptoms of coronavirus, get a test as soon as possible. Stay at home until you get the result.
Main Symptoms:
The main symptoms of Coronavirus are:
-a high temperature - this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
-a new, continuous cough - this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
-a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste - this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
Most people with coronavirus have at least one of these symptoms.
Please support us in helping to combat the spread of the virus.
DfE coronavirus helpline:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Covid-19 - A quick guide for parents
What to do if...
Bubble/Class Isolation procedures:
If we have a positive test result during school hours:
If we have a positive result outside of school hours:
If a staff member tests positive:
If a child tests positive outside of school hours:
Template Email Message:
There has been a confirmed case of Covid in your child’s class. Please come and pick your child up immediately from the school car park. Be mindful of other parents driving in and out of the school gate. Your child will walk out to you via the playground gate. Your child must stay at home for a minimum of two weeks. We will notify you of date for return. In the meantime, if your child shows symptoms of Covid, please get them tested and advise the school of the result immediately. Siblings who are not in the same bubble may attend school (taken from government advice).
There has been a confirmed case of Covid in your child’s class. Please do not send your child to school until further notice. Your child must stay at home for a minimum of two weeks. We will notify you of date for return. If your child shows symptoms of Covid, please get them tested and advise the school of the result immediately. Siblings who are not in the same bubble may attend school (taken from government advice).